Political power for the home care movement.
Who We Are
Caring Majority Rising PAC is a political organization of people with disabilities, older adults, family caregivers, and home care workers.
We are organizing to build a sustainable and just caring economy. We call for greater investments in home and community-based care, as a necessary means to meet our broader goal of dignity, self-determination, access and justice for all.
Our goals are:
- Make long-term care services and supports affordable and accessible to everyone who needs them to live independently— regardless of their ability to pay.
- Improve the quality of long-term care jobs to provide liveable wages, benefits and safe working conditions.
- Invest in the creation of the caregiving jobs that we need to meet our communities’ growing demand.
- Mobilize our members to build our political power to transform our society into one that prioritizes care.
- Ensure that voting is accessible and that everyone, regardless of their ability, is able to exercise their right to vote.
- Ensure that all people have access to the resources they need to survive and thrive because no one is disposable. This includes but is not limited to affordable accessible integrated housing, healthcare (including mental health), reproductive justice, environmental justice, and fair employment practices.
Our Endorsement Principles
We endorse “Care Champions” who will fight for our care agenda and take risks in supporting and valuing our lives.

We seek to
endorse candidates
who will:
Push strongly and urgently for a system that puts care before profit by backing initiatives including universal healthcare that includes long-term care.
Fight for the right to quality home and community-based supports and services for all who need them, regardless of income.
Prioritize home and community-based care over institutionalization, and ensure that all individuals are able to participate in community life as they choose.
Fight for living wages, benefits and recognition as essential workers for all home care workers and personal assistants.
Value and prioritize the lives, lived experiences and needs of disabled people, older adults and care workers over financial, business and other interests; and ensure that decisions on care issues are informed by those directly impacted.
Commit to advancing policies that require the wealthy to pay their fair share so we can invest in the vital programs that keep all people safe, healthy and supported.
Take action to advance an inclusive society that upholds the right to dignity and justice for all people, including but not limited to people with disabilities, older adults, Black people, people of color, immigrants, LGBTQIA people, and cis and trans women.
Cultivate an understanding of how ableism and ageism impact the lives of people with disabilities, older adults and care workers.
Support and advance policies that ensure that all people have access to the resources they need to survive and thrive. This includes affordable accessible integrated housing, healthcare (including mental health), reproductive justice, environmental justice, and fair employment practices.
Dedicate time to meeting with members of Caring Majority Rising.
Disabled lives are worth living. All of these principles are core to the survival of people with disabilities, older adults and home care workers.
If you are interested in seeking a Caring Majority Rising endorsement, please contact: Julia@DomesticEmployers.org
2024 Endorsements
We proudly endorse Claire Cousin for NY Assembly District 106
Claire is a third-generation Hudson resident, a former home care worker, a co-founder of the Hudson/Catskill Housing Coalition, and the first Black woman elected to the Columbia County Board of Supervisors. Claire pledges to fight for critical home care priorities, including the New York Health Act and Fair Pay for Home Care. She is running against 10-year incumbent Didi Barrett in the June 25th Democratic Primary.

We proudly endorse Claire Cousin for NY Assembly District 106

Claire is a third-generation Hudson resident, a former home care worker, a co-founder of the Hudson/Catskill Housing Coalition, and the first Black woman elected to the Columbia County Board of Supervisors. Claire pledges to fight for critical home care priorities, including the New York Health Act and Fair Pay for Home Care. She is running against 10-year incumbent Didi Barrett in the June 25th Democratic Primary.
We proudly endorse Assemblymember Sarahana Shrestha for NY Assembly District 103

We proudly endorse Assemblymember Sarahana Shrestha for NY Assembly District 103

Volunteer for our endorsed candidates!
Our Endorsement Process

2Caring Majority Rising invites candidates who return questionnaire to meet for a formal interview with an endorsement interview committee
3The endorsement interview committee sends an endorsement recommendation to the Caring Majority Rising Steering Committee.
4Caring Majority Rising Steering Committee issues final decision on the slate of endorsed care champions through consensus OR, if necessary, a ⅔ vote
5Caring Majority Rising will support endorsed “Care Champions” through a combination of canvassing efforts and when possible will collaborate on at least one public forum with the candidate.
6Caring Majority will stand with the candidates we endorse and we are committed to doing all we are able to support their campaign.
If you are interested in seeking a Caring Majority Rising endorsement, please contact Julia@DomesticEmployers.org